Today I went to breakfast in Osu with a bunch of friends. After eating a delicious breakfast (that included bacon!), Stephanie, Michelle, and I decided to go back to Legon instead of the grocery store with the rest. We walked around Osu looking for a trotro that was heading toward Legon, but isntead we found an awesome 70's style, straight-up hippy looking trotro that was going to Accra. So we got on, without even knowing where the trotro was headed. It dropped us off at Tema station, and from there we got on the correct trotro to Legon. We walked through the construction field to ISH, sweating bullets under the hot mid-day sun. I walked into my room and immediately shed my sweat-damped clothes and sat down to check my e-mails and call home for Mother's Day. About 20 minutes after I walked through the door, I felt a gust of wind through the window. I looked up and saw that the sky was black. The weather in Africa is so strange...perfectly sunny one minute and then hurricane force winds and rain the next.
In the afternoon, after the storm subsided, our ISEP group went over to the program director, Theresa's, house for dinner. Auntie Theresa, being African-American, cooked us some delicious soul food. We had chicken, macaroni and cheese, potato salad, fish, cabbage something-or-other, and some fish-ball-things. Everyone ate the large mounds of food on their plate like ravenous animals. Delicious. We all gorged ourselves until we thought we would explode. Then she served us cake and ice cream. I think I'm going to fruit fast for a few days to cleanse my body after all of that.
Anyway, that's it for now. = )
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