Money spent so far= 17 cedis, 50 pesewas. (For 8 packages of diapers)
Yesterday at the orphanage, I was planning on leaving before the rain came. But as the winds picked up, I realized there was no way I could make it back to the main road, let alone to Legon, before the rainstorm. It turned out alright though. It gave me some extra time to play with the kids. The children danced and played football in the rain. Their over-heated bodies reveled in the coolness of the water. Naked, worm-pregnant bellies were drenched by the gallon-sized raindrops. I tried to usher them inside, but it was a futile effort. The holes in the noisy tin roof made way for the drip-drip of water to the dirty, cement floor. Mameya and Essie stood below the holes and opened their mouths to quench their dry, swollen tongues with the surely filthy water. Grace, spoiled by the open arms of white volunteers, cried for me to hold her. So did Dadum, the newly-walking baby who has also recently learned how to smile. There is a certain happiness in freedom. I scolded the older boys for their bad language, and wanted to scold the house madams for not disciplining them more. Grace grew fussier and fussier by the minute, and her unhappiness seemed to spread like the bubonic plague. Before long Dadum's smile turned to a frown and Isaac also started crying. Then Rich began his cry fest too. I'm guessing that they never had their nap because they started fighting over who got to sit on my lap. A few minutes later, Adam wandered up to me (which is a rare occurrence) and started whimpering with these puppy dog eyes. I couldn't resist his need for affection, and so I picked him up and rocked him. Within minutes he was fast asleep and so I moved him to one of the bunk beds in the boys room where he remained until I left. The rain finally subsided and I was able to make my way back to Legon. I forgot to bring the kids chewing gum this time, and they definitely remembered. I'll be sure to bring it next time. Well, I better go. I'm in an internet cafe and I only have a couple minutes left until my time runs out!
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