Friday, June 11, 2010

Africa bound by September.

Hello everyone!
It's been quite a while since my last update and I apologize for that. Too many things going on with the whole graduating college thing. I'll be officially done in July by the way!

So, to clue everyone in on what's going on...I'm not in Africa yet. It looks like I'll be hanging out till September. By late September, Jessica Shepley will be joining me on my journey. Dad met her at a golf tournament and realized we had a lot in common. Jessica received a journalism degree from UT just a few years ago, and expressed a desire to volunteer in Africa. We started e-mailing and she decided to come with me.

What's the plan right now? We'll be traveling around Ghana mostly, volunteering at orphanages and filming a documentary about our experience. I'm hoping to focus on water sanitation and planting gardens so the orphanages can be more self-sufficient. Water sanitation is also very important because diarhhea actually kills more people annually than HIV/AIDS and malaria combined. Bottom line, clean water is essential to good health and can save a lot of lives.

I'm really excited about the trip, but there's still a lot of work to be done. I will be viciously fundraising for the next couple of months. If you're interested in donating to the Peace & Love Project, please let me know. There is still a lot of money left to raise.

Also, contact me with any thoughts, questions or suggestions. My e-mail address is Thanks everyone!

P.S. Check out the Peace & Love Project's official site here.


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