I was planning on uploading tons of pictures from my last day at the orphanage, but the internet has decided not to work in my favor. I'll be sure to post a lot more pictures once I arrive home [in 11 days!!].
Well, today was my last full day in Ghana. I will be flying out tomorrow night at 10:30. I started out my day by eating breakfast downstairs in ISH, just like every other day. I always order a bread roll, baked beans, and a pancake (which is nothing like a real pancake by the way). Every morning they always have to ask me at least twice what I ordered because they never write anything down. Today I mixed it up and left out the pancake. They didn't ask me what I wanted a second time. I got a pancake too.
I took it easy for most of the day and finished the last of my packing. At around 3 p.m. I left for the orphanage. I hadn't been walking long before this Ghanaian man walked up alongside of me.
-What's up?
-You from 'merica?
-I like to go to 'merica someday. You make that possible?
-Yes, I think I can arrange that. Why don't we just get married real quick and then I'll get you a visa.
*mumbling things I can't understand*
-Where are you going?
-Madina (a lie)
-Did you know I stay in Madina?
-How would I know that? I don't even know your name.
-Kojo. What are you called?
-*thinking* Becky (not the most glamorous name I could come up with)
-Who gave you that name?
-I probably shouldn't tell him that I just gave it to myself. My mother.
-I will escort you to Madina.
-No you won't.
-But yes, I am going there also.
-I would like to go alone.
I finally made it to the orphanage (without an escort, thankfully), and got to hang out with the kids for the last time. I handled it a lot better than I thought I would. I didn't allow myself many tears. Tears mean closure, and I don't want closure. I want to come back. I need to. So it was Au Revoir, or as the Ghanaians say, "Go and come." I am going, and I will [hopefully] come again. Benjamin, who is an aspiring footballer, got really serious with me for a minute. "Now Kimber," he said. "Don't forget we need footballs and jerseys." I nodded with the most serious face I could muster.
Don't really know what else to say. I will miss those kids like crazy!
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