3 mosquito bites.
To find yourself, sometimes you first have to lose yourself. I can't think of a better way to lose yourself than in West Africa away from everybody you know and everything that is familiar. This will truly be the experience of a lifetime.
I arrived at the campus around 10:30 last night and walked into my new humble abode. It is nice, for Africa. There is a ceiling fan which I'm definitely thankful for. The Africa sun is stifling. Today I got to explore the campus and listened to lectures about the Ghanaian cultural taboos. Many things to remember. Should be very interesting.
Lunch was served today around noon. Fish heads, rice, and goat meat...I should be a few pounds lighter in June. Couldn't do the fish heads. A little to wild for me.
I also got to explore the market tonight. I learned some Twi from a guy selling fruit there. Early at one of the lectures we learned that in Twi, to say "I have to go to the restroom" you would say "I have to go meet with the chief," (in Twi, of course). Definitely the new catch phrase.
Make that 4 mosquito bites.
1 comment:
Hey, that doesn't look too shabby at all! And try lavender--it keeps insects away (and most other animals hate it as well).
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